Movie Comics Volume 1 (1939 - 1939)

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Movie Comics was an ongoing series, published by All-American Publications, that provided compressed comic adaptations of popular movies, made with colorized stills from the featured films. It also included movie factoids and Hollywood-related comic strips, including Ed whelan's "Minute Movies", which moved to Flash Comics after the cancellation of Movie Comics. It ran for six issues in 1939.

Subject ID: 140358


Movie Comics was an ongoing series, published by All-American Publications, that provided compressed comic adaptations of popular movies, made with colorized stills from the featured films. It also included movie factoids and Hollywood-related comic strips, including Ed whelan's "Minute Movies", which moved to Flash Comics after the cancellation of Movie Comics. It ran for six issues in 1939.

Subject ID: 140358


Subject ID: 140358