Movin' On is a drama series that ran for two seasons (and a total of forty-four episodes), between 1974 and 1976. It originally appeared on the NBC television network. The pilot episode for the series was known as In Tandem.
Movin' On stars Claude Akins as old-time independent "big-rig" truck driver Sonny Pruitt, and Frank Converse as his college-educated co-driver Will Chandler. The theme song, "Movin' On," was written and performed by Merle Haggard, and was a No. 1 single on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart in July 1975.
Subject ID: 42014
MoreMovin' On is a drama series that ran for two seasons (and a total of forty-four episodes), between 1974 and 1976. It originally appeared on the NBC television network. The pilot episode for the series was known as In Tandem.
Movin' On stars Claude Akins as old-time independent "big-rig" truck driver Sonny Pruitt, and Frank Converse as his college-educated co-driver Will Chandler. The theme song, "Movin' On," was written and performed by Merle Haggard, and was a No. 1 single on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart in July 1975.
Subject ID: 42014
Subject ID: 42014