NCIS: New Orleans is a television series combining elements of the military drama and police procedural genres that premiered on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, following its parent series NCIS. The pilot was written by Gary Glasberg. The series stars Scott Bakula and CCH Pounder and is executive produced by Glasberg, Mark Harmon, Brad Kern, James Hayman, and Chris Silber. The series is set and filmed in New Orleans. It is the third series of the NCIS franchise.
Subject ID: 27984
MoreNCIS: New Orleans is a television series combining elements of the military drama and police procedural genres that premiered on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, following its parent series NCIS. The pilot was written by Gary Glasberg. The series stars Scott Bakula and CCH Pounder and is executive produced by Glasberg, Mark Harmon, Brad Kern, James Hayman, and Chris Silber. The series is set and filmed in New Orleans. It is the third series of the NCIS franchise.
Subject ID: 27984
Subject ID: 27984