New Kids Turbo, sometimes promoted as New Kids: Turbo!, is a Dutch comedy film based on the television series New Kids. The film premiered on 6 December 2010 and was released in all Dutch cinemas on 9 December. It was one of the most popular Dutch films of all time. It is Comedy Central's first film to be produced outside the United States. A second New Kids movie followed in 2011: New Kids Nitro. The tagline of the film is 'Niemand komt aan Maaskantje!' (No one messes with Maaskantje!).
Subject ID: 60706
MoreNew Kids Turbo, sometimes promoted as New Kids: Turbo!, is a Dutch comedy film based on the television series New Kids. The film premiered on 6 December 2010 and was released in all Dutch cinemas on 9 December. It was one of the most popular Dutch films of all time. It is Comedy Central's first film to be produced outside the United States. A second New Kids movie followed in 2011: New Kids Nitro. The tagline of the film is 'Niemand komt aan Maaskantje!' (No one messes with Maaskantje!).
Subject ID: 60706
Subject ID: 60706