Orphan Black

TV (2013-2017) | TV Show

Something Missing?

Orphan Black is a science fiction thriller television series created by screenwriter Graeme Manson and director John Fawcett, starring Tatiana Maslany as several identical people who are clones. The series focuses on Sarah Manning, a woman who assumes the identity of one of her fellow clones, Elizabeth Childs, after witnessing Childs's suicide. The series raises issues about the moral and ethical implications of human cloning, and its effect on issues of personal identity.

Series ran 2013-2017.

Subject ID: 65353


Orphan Black is a science fiction thriller television series created by screenwriter Graeme Manson and director John Fawcett, starring Tatiana Maslany as several identical people who are clones. The series focuses on Sarah Manning, a woman who assumes the identity of one of her fellow clones, Elizabeth Childs, after witnessing Childs's suicide. The series raises issues about the moral and ethical implications of human cloning, and its effect on issues of personal identity.

Series ran 2013-2017.

Total number of episodes 50

Subject ID: 65353


Subject ID: 65353