Poison (Poizun) is a fictional character in the Final Fight and Street Fighter series of video games. Created by Akira Yasuda for Capcom, Poison first appeared in the original Final Fight alongside a similar character, Roxy, later appearing in Capcom-produced games, media and merchandise related to the Street Fighter franchise. She is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka since the Street Fighter III series and Masae Yumi in SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos.
Roxy (Rokishī) is a character from the Final Fight series, appearing as a member of the Mad Gear Gang. She appears as a palette swap of Poison, having orange hair instead of Poison's trademark pink.
Subject ID: 89375
MorePoison (Poizun) is a fictional character in the Final Fight and Street Fighter series of video games. Created by Akira Yasuda for Capcom, Poison first appeared in the original Final Fight alongside a similar character, Roxy, later appearing in Capcom-produced games, media and merchandise related to the Street Fighter franchise. She is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka since the Street Fighter III series and Masae Yumi in SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos.
Roxy (Rokishī) is a character from the Final Fight series, appearing as a member of the Mad Gear Gang. She appears as a palette swap of Poison, having orange hair instead of Poison's trademark pink.
Roxy appears very similar to Poison in design, except her hair color is orange. She wears a black peak cap, a midriff-revealing tanktop, black high-heeled shoes (though they were red in Abigail's character story), cutoff red jean shorts and, like Poison, carries around a pair of handcuffs.
In her Street Fighter V profile artwork, Roxy now has a red vest and a lacy white band around her left leg. She is shown carrying a metal baseball bat.
Subject ID: 89375
Subject ID: 89375