Power Rangers Turbo is an American superhero drama serving as an adaptation of the 20th Super Sentai series Gekisou Sentai Carranger and is the fifth installment of the Power Rangers franchise. Premiering with the prologue film Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Zordon and Alpha 5 grant the now-former Zeo Rangers new powers to fight against the barbaric but beautiful space pirate Divatox and her demonic fiancé, Maligore and stop them from unleashing havoc across the universe.
Subject ID: 186752
MorePower Rangers Turbo is an American superhero drama serving as an adaptation of the 20th Super Sentai series Gekisou Sentai Carranger and is the fifth installment of the Power Rangers franchise. Premiering with the prologue film Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Zordon and Alpha 5 grant the now-former Zeo Rangers new powers to fight against the barbaric but beautiful space pirate Divatox and her demonic fiancé, Maligore and stop them from unleashing havoc across the universe.
Subject ID: 186752
Subject ID: 186752