Dr. Samuel "Sam" Loomis is a fictional character in the Halloween film series. One of the two main protagonists of the overall series (the other being Laurie Strode), he is the main protagonist of Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers and Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers. Donald Pleasence plays the character in all five films. Throughout the Halloween franchise, he is depicted as the archenemy to the series' central character and primary antagonist, Michael Myers.
Malcolm McDowell portrays Dr. Loomis in the 2007 reimagining, Halloween and its sequel Halloween II.
Subject ID: 41039
MoreDr. Samuel "Sam" Loomis is a fictional character in the Halloween film series. One of the two main protagonists of the overall series (the other being Laurie Strode), he is the main protagonist of Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers and Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers. Donald Pleasence plays the character in all five films. Throughout the Halloween franchise, he is depicted as the archenemy to the series' central character and primary antagonist, Michael Myers.
Malcolm McDowell portrays Dr. Loomis in the 2007 reimagining, Halloween and its sequel Halloween II.
Subject ID: 41039
Subject ID: 41039
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