Samuel "Mayday" Malone is a fictional character on the television show Cheers, portrayed by Ted Danson and created by Glen and Les Charles. The central character of the series, Sam, a former relief pitcher for the Boston Red Sox baseball team, is the owner and bartender of the bar called "Cheers". He is also a recovering alcoholic and a notorious womanizer. Although his celebrity status was short-lived, Sam retains that standing within the confines of Cheers, where he is beloved by the regular patrons. Along with Carla Tortelli and Norm Peterson, he is one of only three characters to appear in all episodes of Cheers. Sam has an on-again, off-again relationship with the bar waitress Diane Chambers (Shelley Long) for the series' first five seasons until her departure from the series. Then he tries to seduce Diane's replacement, Rebecca Howe (Kirstie Alley), who frequently rejects his advances. Sam also appears in "The Show Where Sam Shows Up", a crossover episode of the spin-off Frasier.
Subject ID: 67995
MoreSamuel "Mayday" Malone is a fictional character on the television show Cheers, portrayed by Ted Danson and created by Glen and Les Charles. The central character of the series, Sam, a former relief pitcher for the Boston Red Sox baseball team, is the owner and bartender of the bar called "Cheers". He is also a recovering alcoholic and a notorious womanizer. Although his celebrity status was short-lived, Sam retains that standing within the confines of Cheers, where he is beloved by the regular patrons. Along with Carla Tortelli and Norm Peterson, he is one of only three characters to appear in all episodes of Cheers. Sam has an on-again, off-again relationship with the bar waitress Diane Chambers (Shelley Long) for the series' first five seasons until her departure from the series. Then he tries to seduce Diane's replacement, Rebecca Howe (Kirstie Alley), who frequently rejects his advances. Sam also appears in "The Show Where Sam Shows Up", a crossover episode of the spin-off Frasier.
Subject ID: 67995
Subject ID: 67995