Sarah Sanderson is one of the two secondary antagonists of Disney's 1993 film, Hocus Pocus and its upcoming 2022 sequel, alongside her sister, Mary. She is the youngest and most beautiful but air-headed witch who lived during the time of the Salem Witch Trials, along with her two sisters Winifred and Mary.
After three hundred years, Sarah and her sisters were awoken from the dead by Max Dennison and wanted to stay alive and young forever by kidnapping children and stealing their souls. She was responsible for luring children to their cottage by hypnotizing them with her singing.
Subject ID: 83030
MoreSarah Sanderson is one of the two secondary antagonists of Disney's 1993 film, Hocus Pocus and its upcoming 2022 sequel, alongside her sister, Mary. She is the youngest and most beautiful but air-headed witch who lived during the time of the Salem Witch Trials, along with her two sisters Winifred and Mary.
After three hundred years, Sarah and her sisters were awoken from the dead by Max Dennison and wanted to stay alive and young forever by kidnapping children and stealing their souls. She was responsible for luring children to their cottage by hypnotizing them with her singing.
Subject ID: 83030
Subject ID: 83030