The Sega Genesis is a 16-bit video game console from Sega Enterprises, Ltd, first released in 1988 in Japan as the Mega Drive. It was released in North America as the Genesis name, and Europe as the Mega Drive in 1989.
It sold 30.75 million consoles worldwide, and was seceded by the Sega Saturn in 1994.
Subject ID: 10133
MoreThe Sega Genesis is a 16-bit video game console from Sega Enterprises, Ltd, first released in 1988 in Japan as the Mega Drive. It was released in North America as the Genesis name, and Europe as the Mega Drive in 1989.
It sold 30.75 million consoles worldwide, and was seceded by the Sega Saturn in 1994.
Subject ID: 10133
Subject ID: 10133