Sharknado is a series of disaster horror comedy science-fiction films released by Syfy starting in 2013. The sixth film concluded the series in 2018. It has since been expanded into video games and comics, including a spin-off film, Sharknado: Heart of Sharkness, that was released in 2015.
The series stars Ian Ziering and Tara Reid as Fin and April Shepard, respectively; a husband and wife who continue to encounter "sharknadoes", tornadoes filled with sharks, wherever they go.
Subject ID: 51726
MoreSharknado is a series of disaster horror comedy science-fiction films released by Syfy starting in 2013. The sixth film concluded the series in 2018. It has since been expanded into video games and comics, including a spin-off film, Sharknado: Heart of Sharkness, that was released in 2015.
The series stars Ian Ziering and Tara Reid as Fin and April Shepard, respectively; a husband and wife who continue to encounter "sharknadoes", tornadoes filled with sharks, wherever they go.
Subject ID: 51726
Subject ID: 51726