Shaun the Sheep is a British stop-motion animated children's television series and a spin-off of the Wallace and Gromit franchise. The title character is Shaun (previously featured as the sheep named "Shaun" in the 1995 short film A Close Shave and the Shopper 13 short film from the 2002 Wallace and Gromit's Cracking Contraptions series). The series focuses on his adventures on a northern English farm as the leader of his flock.
Subject ID: 150706
MoreShaun the Sheep is a British stop-motion animated children's television series and a spin-off of the Wallace and Gromit franchise. The title character is Shaun (previously featured as the sheep named "Shaun" in the 1995 short film A Close Shave and the Shopper 13 short film from the 2002 Wallace and Gromit's Cracking Contraptions series). The series focuses on his adventures on a northern English farm as the leader of his flock.
Subject ID: 150706
Subject ID: 150706