Simba is the protagonist of the 1994 Disney animated feature film, The Lion King. The son of Mufasa and Sarabi, Simba was next in line to rule the Pride Lands. However, after his evil uncle Scar murders Mufasa and blames Simba for the former's death, the young lion cub is sentenced to exile while Scar rules as king. It was then up to Simba to return to the Pride Lands and reclaim his throne and rightful place in the great circle of life.
Subject ID: 51308
MoreSimba is the protagonist of the 1994 Disney animated feature film, The Lion King. The son of Mufasa and Sarabi, Simba was next in line to rule the Pride Lands. However, after his evil uncle Scar murders Mufasa and blames Simba for the former's death, the young lion cub is sentenced to exile while Scar rules as king. It was then up to Simba to return to the Pride Lands and reclaim his throne and rightful place in the great circle of life.
Subject ID: 51308
Subject ID: 51308