Simon (シ モ ン Shimon?) Is the main protagonist of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. The story begins as a child, unpretentious and lonely, but grows up to be a commander and a much loved man. Hailed for being like a drill, he became known as a legendary hero who overcame impossible situations, both personal and universal and now eternally stands as a beacon for the good of all humanity.
Subject ID: 122615
MoreSimon (シ モ ン Shimon?) Is the main protagonist of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. The story begins as a child, unpretentious and lonely, but grows up to be a commander and a much loved man. Hailed for being like a drill, he became known as a legendary hero who overcame impossible situations, both personal and universal and now eternally stands as a beacon for the good of all humanity.
Subject ID: 122615
Subject ID: 122615