Space Channel 5 is a video game series owned by Sega, first released for the Sega Dreamcast. The series follows lead reporter Ulala as she battles the galaxy's biggest threats, including the Morolians and Rhythm Rogues. The first game of the franchise was conceived in the mid-1990s and was released in December 1999. It has become one of Sega's most memorable and iconic franchises, often being featured in other Sega-related video games in the form of cameos.
Critic's reception of the original games remains largely positive. Space Channel 5 and Space Channel 5: Part 2 are often regarded as two of the most unique video games ever made. The series is the recipient of numerous nominations, winning several awards in the process, with many pointing out the notable soundtrack, game, and character designs as the more likable qualities. The series' lead character Ulala has been regarded as a video game icon, and was nominated in 2000 for "Original Game Character of the Year" by the International Game Developers Association.
Subject ID: 132656
MoreSpace Channel 5 is a video game series owned by Sega, first released for the Sega Dreamcast. The series follows lead reporter Ulala as she battles the galaxy's biggest threats, including the Morolians and Rhythm Rogues. The first game of the franchise was conceived in the mid-1990s and was released in December 1999. It has become one of Sega's most memorable and iconic franchises, often being featured in other Sega-related video games in the form of cameos.
Critic's reception of the original games remains largely positive. Space Channel 5 and Space Channel 5: Part 2 are often regarded as two of the most unique video games ever made. The series is the recipient of numerous nominations, winning several awards in the process, with many pointing out the notable soundtrack, game, and character designs as the more likable qualities. The series' lead character Ulala has been regarded as a video game icon, and was nominated in 2000 for "Original Game Character of the Year" by the International Game Developers Association.
Having four games released by 2003, Space Channel 5 had numerous spin-offs and crossover appearances throughout the years. In the early 2000s, the series was in early stages of development of becoming a TV series by MTV, but was canceled after the pilot episode. A movie by Colombia Pictures was also in production in 2004, but was never greenlit by the studio. In 2020, the series was officially rebooted, with the video game Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash. Writer and co-creator Takomi Yoshinaga has teased the possibility of upcoming video game entries, with a mobile game currently in-development. In 2022, Sega announced that they are developing a Space Channel 5 movie, alongside Picturestart, based on the first two video games.
Subject ID: 132656
Subject ID: 132656