Space Precinct is a British-American television series that was broadcast from 1994 to 1995 on Sky One and later on BBC Two in the UK, and in first-run syndication in the United States. Many US stations scheduled the show in late night time slots, which resulted in low ratings and contributed to its cancellation.
The series was created by Gerry Anderson and was a mix of science fiction and police procedural that combined elements of many of Anderson's previous series such as Space: 1999, UFO and Thunderbirds, but with an added dash of Law & Order and Dragnet. Anderson was an executive producer with Tom Gutteridge. One of the series' directors was John Glen, who had previously directed five James Bond films. There were a number of directors used on the series, but the majority of the episodes were edited by the series editors, Sue Robinson and Jason Krasucki.
Series ran 1994-1995
Subject ID: 72695
MoreSpace Precinct is a British-American television series that was broadcast from 1994 to 1995 on Sky One and later on BBC Two in the UK, and in first-run syndication in the United States. Many US stations scheduled the show in late night time slots, which resulted in low ratings and contributed to its cancellation.
The series was created by Gerry Anderson and was a mix of science fiction and police procedural that combined elements of many of Anderson's previous series such as Space: 1999, UFO and Thunderbirds, but with an added dash of Law & Order and Dragnet. Anderson was an executive producer with Tom Gutteridge. One of the series' directors was John Glen, who had previously directed five James Bond films. There were a number of directors used on the series, but the majority of the episodes were edited by the series editors, Sue Robinson and Jason Krasucki.
Series ran 1994-1995
Subject ID: 72695
Subject ID: 72695