Spider-Man (Takuya Yamashiro)

Marvel | Character

Something Missing?

Spider-Man's civilian identity is that of Takuya Yamashiro, a 22-year-old motocross racer. He has the ability to perceive threats from the Iron Cross Army with his Spider-Senses. He fights the Iron Cross Army in order to avenge his father's death. To conceal his superhero identity, Takuya acts as a weakling in front of his friends on purpose. As a result, Takuya gets chastised by his friends whenever he runs away from danger and is often compared unfavorably to Spider-Man. Moreover, his financial income as a motorcycle racer decreases after becoming Spider-Man due to his reduced participation in races, forcing him to assist Hitomi Sakuma in her job to pay for his expenses.


Subject ID: 122781


Spider-Man's civilian identity is that of Takuya Yamashiro, a 22-year-old motocross racer. He has the ability to perceive threats from the Iron Cross Army with his Spider-Senses. He fights the Iron Cross Army in order to avenge his father's death. To conceal his superhero identity, Takuya acts as a weakling in front of his friends on purpose. As a result, Takuya gets chastised by his friends whenever he runs away from danger and is often compared unfavorably to Spider-Man. Moreover, his financial income as a motorcycle racer decreases after becoming Spider-Man due to his reduced participation in races, forcing him to assist Hitomi Sakuma in her job to pay for his expenses.


Takuya assumes the identity of Spider-Man when he dons the protective suit known as the Spider Protector. He is genetically altered as a result of the Spider-Extract injected into his body by Garia, gaining spider-like abilities such as sticking and climbing onto walls. Moreover, he can also detect the activities of nearby enemies with his Spider-Senses and his physical strength is greater than the average person. However, he has also inherited some of the same weaknesses actual spiders have, such as a strong sensitivity towards cold temperatures.

Subject ID: 122781


Subject ID: 122781