Series released in Japan, the Middle East, Mexico and the Caribbean in 2011. Each pin is a vertical guitar in silver base material with a body shaped like a colorful butterfly tattoo.
This series is not to be confused with the global Butterfly Guitar Series from the same year. While the pins in the global series also are vertical guitars, they are gold base material, include 3D gems and do not look like tattoos.
Subject ID: 89663
MoreSeries released in Japan, the Middle East, Mexico and the Caribbean in 2011. Each pin is a vertical guitar in silver base material with a body shaped like a colorful butterfly tattoo.
This series is not to be confused with the global Butterfly Guitar Series from the same year. While the pins in the global series also are vertical guitars, they are gold base material, include 3D gems and do not look like tattoos.
Subject ID: 89663
Subject ID: 89663