Team Xtreme was a wrestling tag-team consisting of The Hardy Boys (Jeff & Matt Hardy, The Hardy Boyz) with Lita as their manager, after dropping Michael 'P. S.' Hayes of The Fabulous Freebirds as their manager. In 2000, they were involved in feuds with Edge and Christian and The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley) in many ladder matches and TLC matches.
Subject ID: 87624
MoreTeam Xtreme was a wrestling tag-team consisting of The Hardy Boys (Jeff & Matt Hardy, The Hardy Boyz) with Lita as their manager, after dropping Michael 'P. S.' Hayes of The Fabulous Freebirds as their manager. In 2000, they were involved in feuds with Edge and Christian and The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley) in many ladder matches and TLC matches.
Subject ID: 87624
Subject ID: 87624