The End of Evangelion is a 1997 Japanese animated psychological science fiction film written and co-directed by Hideaki Anno and animated by Gainax and Production I.G. It serves as a parallel ending to the Neon Genesis Evangelion television series, in which teenage Shinji Ikari pilots Evangelion Unit 01, one of several giant humanoid mechas designed to defend against the hostile supernatural entities called Angels. The film picks up where the television show's 24th episode ended, and the cause of the events depicted in the show's episodes 25 and 26 occurs in the middle.
Subject ID: 107197
MoreThe End of Evangelion is a 1997 Japanese animated psychological science fiction film written and co-directed by Hideaki Anno and animated by Gainax and Production I.G. It serves as a parallel ending to the Neon Genesis Evangelion television series, in which teenage Shinji Ikari pilots Evangelion Unit 01, one of several giant humanoid mechas designed to defend against the hostile supernatural entities called Angels. The film picks up where the television show's 24th episode ended, and the cause of the events depicted in the show's episodes 25 and 26 occurs in the middle.
Subject ID: 107197
Subject ID: 107197