The Goldbergs is a hit sitcom that made is debut on ABC for the 2013 fall season. Created by Adam F. Goldberg, the series follows a young Adam as he navigates life in the 1980s. The Goldbergs boasts a cast of comedic all-stars, including Wendi McClendon-Covey, Jeff Garlin, and George Segal, as well as Patton Oswalt, who narrates the life of young Adam. The series has produced 229 episodes over ten seasons.
Subject ID: 85158
MoreThe Goldbergs is a hit sitcom that made is debut on ABC for the 2013 fall season. Created by Adam F. Goldberg, the series follows a young Adam as he navigates life in the 1980s. The Goldbergs boasts a cast of comedic all-stars, including Wendi McClendon-Covey, Jeff Garlin, and George Segal, as well as Patton Oswalt, who narrates the life of young Adam. The series has produced 229 episodes over ten seasons.
Subject ID: 85158
Subject ID: 85158