The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo is an action/adventure situation comedy that ran on NBC from 1979 to 1981. For its second season the show was renamed Lobo. The program aired Tuesday nights, at 8 p.m. Eastern time. The lead character, Sheriff Elroy P. Lobo, played by Claude Akins, was a spin-off character from another television series, B. J. and the Bear.
Subject ID: 43637
MoreThe Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo is an action/adventure situation comedy that ran on NBC from 1979 to 1981. For its second season the show was renamed Lobo. The program aired Tuesday nights, at 8 p.m. Eastern time. The lead character, Sheriff Elroy P. Lobo, played by Claude Akins, was a spin-off character from another television series, B. J. and the Bear.
Subject ID: 43637
Subject ID: 43637