The Smurfs (syndicated as Smurfs' Adventures) is an animated fantasy-comedy children's television series that aired on NBC from 12 September 1981, to 2 December 1989. Produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, it is based on the Belgian comic series by the same name, created by Belgian cartoonist Peyo (who also served as story supervisor of this adaptation) and aired for 256 episodes with a total of 418 stories, excluding three cliffhanger episodes and seven specials.
Subject ID: 90985
MoreThe Smurfs (syndicated as Smurfs' Adventures) is an animated fantasy-comedy children's television series that aired on NBC from 12 September 1981, to 2 December 1989. Produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, it is based on the Belgian comic series by the same name, created by Belgian cartoonist Peyo (who also served as story supervisor of this adaptation) and aired for 256 episodes with a total of 418 stories, excluding three cliffhanger episodes and seven specials.
Subject ID: 90985
Subject ID: 90985