Tom Lohner

Pop Artist | Artist

Something Missing?

Tom Lohner, an energetic and award-winning Austrian artist and rising star in the art world, famous for his imaginative depiction of pop culture, believes that the single most important ingredient in any artistic process is passion. 

At the beginning of 2017, Hard Rock Cafe hosted an exhibition of Lohner's works, titled "Art of Hard Rock by Tom Lohner," where he transformed 13 iconic rock stars into animals. The premiere event was organized by UK’s Rolling Stones management LD Communications and toured throughout other Hard Rock Cafes in Europe in 2017.

Subject ID: 126126


Tom Lohner, an energetic and award-winning Austrian artist and rising star in the art world, famous for his imaginative depiction of pop culture, believes that the single most important ingredient in any artistic process is passion. 

At the beginning of 2017, Hard Rock Cafe hosted an exhibition of Lohner's works, titled "Art of Hard Rock by Tom Lohner," where he transformed 13 iconic rock stars into animals. The premiere event was organized by UK’s Rolling Stones management LD Communications and toured throughout other Hard Rock Cafes in Europe in 2017.

Subject ID: 126126


Subject ID: 126126