Tomura Shigaraki is a character in the My Hero Academia franchise whose real name is Tenko Shimura. He is the leader of the League of Villains after his master All For One's defeat and arrest, and the primary antagonist of the series. Like the rest of the League, his goal is to kill All Might, the "Symbol of Peace," thus destroying the society he represents and to create a new one with a new form of justice in his own image.
Later on, Tomura changed his goal to destroy society all together rather than reshape it. He soon merged his organization and the Meta Liberation Army to form the Paranormal Liberation Front, becoming its Grand Commander.
Subject ID: 95851
MoreTomura Shigaraki is a character in the My Hero Academia franchise whose real name is Tenko Shimura. He is the leader of the League of Villains after his master All For One's defeat and arrest, and the primary antagonist of the series. Like the rest of the League, his goal is to kill All Might, the "Symbol of Peace," thus destroying the society he represents and to create a new one with a new form of justice in his own image.
Later on, Tomura changed his goal to destroy society all together rather than reshape it. He soon merged his organization and the Meta Liberation Army to form the Paranormal Liberation Front, becoming its Grand Commander.
Subject ID: 95851
Subject ID: 95851
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