Transformers: Crossovers was a franchise that ran from 2008 to 2011. The line was intended to incorporate properties originating outside of the Transformers brand and had Marvel Comics and Star Wars properties making up its products. It was considered to be a continuation and rebranding of the prior Star Wars Transformers toyline, expanding its scope to include Marvel toys. By late 2011, the Marvel portion of the line was phased out and the Crossovers banner was dropped, marking the return of Star Wars Transformers.
All Crossovers toys are the same size class, more or less the same as the "Deluxes" of the main Transformers lines. Though it featured many toys repackaged from Star Wars Transformers, the line dropped the small pilot figures included with the original releases. The brand was later succeeded by the Transformers Collaborative line in 2019
Subject ID: 117449
MoreTransformers: Crossovers was a franchise that ran from 2008 to 2011. The line was intended to incorporate properties originating outside of the Transformers brand and had Marvel Comics and Star Wars properties making up its products. It was considered to be a continuation and rebranding of the prior Star Wars Transformers toyline, expanding its scope to include Marvel toys. By late 2011, the Marvel portion of the line was phased out and the Crossovers banner was dropped, marking the return of Star Wars Transformers.
All Crossovers toys are the same size class, more or less the same as the "Deluxes" of the main Transformers lines. Though it featured many toys repackaged from Star Wars Transformers, the line dropped the small pilot figures included with the original releases. The brand was later succeeded by the Transformers Collaborative line in 2019
Subject ID: 117449
Subject ID: 117449