The United Federation of Planets (UFP), usually referred to as the Federation, is a fictional interstellar federal republic in the Star Trek science fiction franchise, composed of numerous planetary sovereignties. In the UFP, the member planetary governments agreed to exist semi-autonomously under a single central authority based on the utopian principles of universal liberty, rights, and equality, and to share their knowledge and resources in peaceful cooperation and space exploration while each member world retained its own political and social structure.
The Federation was introduced in the 1966–1969 television show Star Trek as the organization that sent the starship USS Enterprise on its mission of peaceful exploration. As the Federation has continued to explore the galaxy and expand its membership, it has been increasingly challenged by hostile alien civilizations such as the Borg and the Dominion. The survival, success, and growth of the Federation and its principles of freedom have become some of the Star Trek franchise's central themes.
Subject ID: 81477
MoreThe United Federation of Planets (UFP), usually referred to as the Federation, is a fictional interstellar federal republic in the Star Trek science fiction franchise, composed of numerous planetary sovereignties. In the UFP, the member planetary governments agreed to exist semi-autonomously under a single central authority based on the utopian principles of universal liberty, rights, and equality, and to share their knowledge and resources in peaceful cooperation and space exploration while each member world retained its own political and social structure.
The Federation was introduced in the 1966–1969 television show Star Trek as the organization that sent the starship USS Enterprise on its mission of peaceful exploration. As the Federation has continued to explore the galaxy and expand its membership, it has been increasingly challenged by hostile alien civilizations such as the Borg and the Dominion. The survival, success, and growth of the Federation and its principles of freedom have become some of the Star Trek franchise's central themes.
The Federation was conceived as an idealized version of the United Nations. The Federation has been generally well received by critics and fans, becoming one of the most enduring storylines and symbols of the Star Trek franchise.
Subject ID: 81477
Subject ID: 81477