Walter Findlay (played by Bill Macy), is the husband of Maude Findlay, the outspoken cousin of Edith Bunker who owned an appliance store called Findlay's Friendly Appliances; he was said to be a Maytag dealer in the first episode. Maude and Walter, who is Maude's fourth husband, met just before the 1968 presidential election. Maude sometimes got in the last word during their many arguments with her hallmark catchphrase, "God'll getcha for that, Walter." Maude's (and subsequently Bea Arthur's) deep, raspy voice was also an occasional comic foil whenever she answered the phone and said "No, this is not Mr. Findlay, this is Mrs. Findlay!" She would punctuate it with a snide and offhand remark about Walter.
Subject ID: 40886
MoreWalter Findlay (played by Bill Macy), is the husband of Maude Findlay, the outspoken cousin of Edith Bunker who owned an appliance store called Findlay's Friendly Appliances; he was said to be a Maytag dealer in the first episode. Maude and Walter, who is Maude's fourth husband, met just before the 1968 presidential election. Maude sometimes got in the last word during their many arguments with her hallmark catchphrase, "God'll getcha for that, Walter." Maude's (and subsequently Bea Arthur's) deep, raspy voice was also an occasional comic foil whenever she answered the phone and said "No, this is not Mr. Findlay, this is Mrs. Findlay!" She would punctuate it with a snide and offhand remark about Walter.
Subject ID: 40886
Subject ID: 40886