Created by Drew McGill and Stan Wright back in the 1920’s, this original brand was known for tying high-grade fishing flies in Denver, Colorado. Over 90 years later Wright & McGill is still creating high-grade fishing equipment, and the product selection has expanded quite a bit. Today, the Wright & McGill brand includes signature series rods, saltwater rods, fly rods for men and women, reels, travel bags, tackle management products, fishing tools, and performance guide wear.
Subject ID: 93012
MoreCreated by Drew McGill and Stan Wright back in the 1920’s, this original brand was known for tying high-grade fishing flies in Denver, Colorado. Over 90 years later Wright & McGill is still creating high-grade fishing equipment, and the product selection has expanded quite a bit. Today, the Wright & McGill brand includes signature series rods, saltwater rods, fly rods for men and women, reels, travel bags, tackle management products, fishing tools, and performance guide wear.
Subject ID: 93012
Subject ID: 93012