Released in 2014, WWE Basic Series 40 consists of 6 Global Superstars figures (#31-36) including:
- 31) CM Punk (Global Superstars Chicago)
- 32) Alberto Del Rio (Global Superstars Mexico)
- 33) Rey Mysterio (Global Superstars San Diego)
- 34) The Great Khali (Global Superstars Punjab, India)
- 35) Zack Ryder (Global Superstars Long Island)
- 36) Edge (Global Superstars Toronto)
Subject ID: 107384
Released in 2014, WWE Basic Series 40 consists of 6 Global Superstars figures (#31-36) including:
- 31) CM Punk (Global Superstars Chicago)
- 32) Alberto Del Rio (Global Superstars Mexico)
- 33) Rey Mysterio (Global Superstars San Diego)
- 34) The Great Khali (Global Superstars Punjab, India)
- 35) Zack Ryder (Global Superstars Long Island)
- 36) Edge (Global Superstars Toronto)
Subject ID: 107384