Garfield Mark "Beast Boy" Logan is a fictional superhero appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. He has also gone under the alias Changeling. Created by writer Arnold Drake and artist Bob Brown, he is a shapeshifter who possesses the ability to metamorph into any animal he chooses. The character first appeared in The Doom Patrol #99 (November 1965) and is usually depicted as a member of the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans.
Beast Boy has appeared in numerous cartoon television shows and films, including as one of the Teen Titans in Cartoon Network's eponymous series, voiced by Greg Cipes. Gar Logan makes his live adaptation debut in the DC Universe and HBO Max series Titans, played by Ryan Potter.
Subject ID: 65092
MoreGarfield Mark "Beast Boy" Logan is a fictional superhero appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. He has also gone under the alias Changeling. Created by writer Arnold Drake and artist Bob Brown, he is a shapeshifter who possesses the ability to metamorph into any animal he chooses. The character first appeared in The Doom Patrol #99 (November 1965) and is usually depicted as a member of the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans.
Beast Boy has appeared in numerous cartoon television shows and films, including as one of the Teen Titans in Cartoon Network's eponymous series, voiced by Greg Cipes. Gar Logan makes his live adaptation debut in the DC Universe and HBO Max series Titans, played by Ryan Potter.
Subject ID: 65092
Subject ID: 65092
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