Black Butler is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yana Toboso. Since its debut on September 16, 2006, it has been serialized in Square Enix' shōnen manga magazine Monthly GFantasy. The series follows Ciel Phantomhive, a thirteen-year-old boy who is head of the Phantomhive household. The Phantomhives are an aristocratic family known as the Queen's Guarddog tasked with solving crimes in London's underworld. Ciel has formed a contract with Sebastian Michaelis to seek revenge against those who tortured him and murdered his parents. Sebastian is a demon who has taken on the disguise of a butler.
Subject ID: 64217
MoreBlack Butler is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yana Toboso. Since its debut on September 16, 2006, it has been serialized in Square Enix' shōnen manga magazine Monthly GFantasy. The series follows Ciel Phantomhive, a thirteen-year-old boy who is head of the Phantomhive household. The Phantomhives are an aristocratic family known as the Queen's Guarddog tasked with solving crimes in London's underworld. Ciel has formed a contract with Sebastian Michaelis to seek revenge against those who tortured him and murdered his parents. Sebastian is a demon who has taken on the disguise of a butler.
Subject ID: 64217
Subject ID: 64217