Letterkenny is a Canadian television sitcom created by Jared Keeso, developed and written primarily by Keeso and Jacob Tierney, directed by Tierney, and starring Keeso alongside Nathan Dales, Michelle Mylett, and K. Trevor Wilson. The series began as a YouTube web series titled Letterkenny Problems, and it was commissioned as a television series by Crave in March 2015. It debuted in February 2016, and later also aired on The Comedy Network. The show follows the residents of Letterkenny, a fictional rural community in Ontario loosely based on Keeso's hometown of Listowel, Ontario. The 12th and final season was released on December 25, 2023.
Subject ID: 121088
MoreLetterkenny is a Canadian television sitcom created by Jared Keeso, developed and written primarily by Keeso and Jacob Tierney, directed by Tierney, and starring Keeso alongside Nathan Dales, Michelle Mylett, and K. Trevor Wilson. The series began as a YouTube web series titled Letterkenny Problems, and it was commissioned as a television series by Crave in March 2015. It debuted in February 2016, and later also aired on The Comedy Network. The show follows the residents of Letterkenny, a fictional rural community in Ontario loosely based on Keeso's hometown of Listowel, Ontario. The 12th and final season was released on December 25, 2023.
Subject ID: 121088
Subject ID: 121088