Once Upon a Time is a fantasy drama television series that premiered on October 23, 2011, on ABC. The show follows residents who are characters from various fairy tales transported to the "real world" and robbed of their original memories by a powerful curse. The first six seasons were set in the fictitious seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine, while the seventh takes place in a Seattle, Washington neighborhood called Hyperion Heights.
Subject ID: 65528
MoreOnce Upon a Time is a fantasy drama television series that premiered on October 23, 2011, on ABC. The show follows residents who are characters from various fairy tales transported to the "real world" and robbed of their original memories by a powerful curse. The first six seasons were set in the fictitious seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine, while the seventh takes place in a Seattle, Washington neighborhood called Hyperion Heights.
Subject ID: 65528
Subject ID: 65528