Gumby follows the titular character on his adventures through different environments and times in history. Gumby's primary sidekick is Pokey, a talking orange pony. His nemeses are the Blockheads, a pair of red humanoid figures with cube-shaped heads, inspired by the trouble-making Katzenjammer Kids. Other characters include Prickle, a yellow dinosaur who sometimes styles himself as a detective with pipe and deerstalker hat like Sherlock Holmes; Goo, a flying blue mermaid who spits blue goo balls and can change shape at will; Gumbo and Gumba, Gumby's parents; and Nopey, Gumby's dog whose entire vocabulary is the word "nope". The 1988 syndicated series added Gumby's sister Minga, mastodon friend Denali, and chicken friend Tilly.
Subject ID: 68443
MoreGumby follows the titular character on his adventures through different environments and times in history. Gumby's primary sidekick is Pokey, a talking orange pony. His nemeses are the Blockheads, a pair of red humanoid figures with cube-shaped heads, inspired by the trouble-making Katzenjammer Kids. Other characters include Prickle, a yellow dinosaur who sometimes styles himself as a detective with pipe and deerstalker hat like Sherlock Holmes; Goo, a flying blue mermaid who spits blue goo balls and can change shape at will; Gumbo and Gumba, Gumby's parents; and Nopey, Gumby's dog whose entire vocabulary is the word "nope". The 1988 syndicated series added Gumby's sister Minga, mastodon friend Denali, and chicken friend Tilly.
Subject ID: 68443
Subject ID: 68443