The Dark Tower is a 2017 American neo-Western science fantasy film directed and co-written by Nikolaj Arcel. Based on Stephen King's novel series of the same name, the film stars Idris Elba as Roland Deschain, a gunslinger on a quest to protect the Dark Tower—a mythical structure which supports all realities—while Matthew McConaughey plays his nemesis Walter Padick (The Man in Black), and Tom Taylor stars as Jake Chambers, a boy who becomes Roland's apprentice.
Subject ID: 69276
MoreThe Dark Tower is a 2017 American neo-Western science fantasy film directed and co-written by Nikolaj Arcel. Based on Stephen King's novel series of the same name, the film stars Idris Elba as Roland Deschain, a gunslinger on a quest to protect the Dark Tower—a mythical structure which supports all realities—while Matthew McConaughey plays his nemesis Walter Padick (The Man in Black), and Tom Taylor stars as Jake Chambers, a boy who becomes Roland's apprentice.
Subject ID: 69276
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Subject ID: 69276
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