Titans is a television show created by Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns, and Greg Berlanti. Based on the DC Comics team Teen Titans, the series depicts a group of young heroes who join forces in their fight against evil. Featured as members of the eponymous Titans are Dick Grayson (Brenton Thwaites), Kory Anders (Anna Diop), Rachel Roth (Teagan Croft), Gar Logan (Ryan Potter), Jason Todd (Curran Walters), Donna Troy (Conor Leslie), Hank Hall (Alan Ritchson), Dawn Granger (Minka Kelly), Rose Wilson (Chelsea Zhang), and Conner Kent (Joshua Orpin).
A live-action series based on the Teen Titans entered development in September 2014. Originally intended for TNT, a pilot written by Goldsman and Marc Haimes was ordered in December, but TNT departed from the project in 2016 before filming took place. In April 2017, it was announced that the series was being redeveloped by Goldsman, Johns, and Berlanti for DC Universe as its first original scripted program. Thwaites was cast as Grayson in September 2017 and other series regulars were cast between August and October 2017.
Subject ID: 72100
MoreTitans is a television show created by Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns, and Greg Berlanti. Based on the DC Comics team Teen Titans, the series depicts a group of young heroes who join forces in their fight against evil. Featured as members of the eponymous Titans are Dick Grayson (Brenton Thwaites), Kory Anders (Anna Diop), Rachel Roth (Teagan Croft), Gar Logan (Ryan Potter), Jason Todd (Curran Walters), Donna Troy (Conor Leslie), Hank Hall (Alan Ritchson), Dawn Granger (Minka Kelly), Rose Wilson (Chelsea Zhang), and Conner Kent (Joshua Orpin).
A live-action series based on the Teen Titans entered development in September 2014. Originally intended for TNT, a pilot written by Goldsman and Marc Haimes was ordered in December, but TNT departed from the project in 2016 before filming took place. In April 2017, it was announced that the series was being redeveloped by Goldsman, Johns, and Berlanti for DC Universe as its first original scripted program. Thwaites was cast as Grayson in September 2017 and other series regulars were cast between August and October 2017.
Titans premiered on October 12, 2018. The first and second seasons were released on DC Universe; a third season has also been announced, which will be released on HBO Max.
Subject ID: 72100
Subject ID: 72100
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