The Lion was an automobile built in Adrian, Michigan, United States, by the Lion Motor Car Company from 1909-12. The Lion had a four-cylinder 40 HP engine, and was available in at least three body types. The 1912 model cost $1,600 and came equipped with internal expanding brakes with drums of 14-inch diameter. A fire in 1912 destroyed 150 cars in the factory, and the company never recovered and closed.
The Lion Motor Car Company also produced the Gyroscope.
Subject ID: 27663
MoreThe Lion was an automobile built in Adrian, Michigan, United States, by the Lion Motor Car Company from 1909-12. The Lion had a four-cylinder 40 HP engine, and was available in at least three body types. The 1912 model cost $1,600 and came equipped with internal expanding brakes with drums of 14-inch diameter. A fire in 1912 destroyed 150 cars in the factory, and the company never recovered and closed.
The Lion Motor Car Company also produced the Gyroscope.
Subject ID: 27663
Subject ID: 27663
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