Old Crocks


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Charbens, named after founding brothers Charles and Benjamin Reid, started their company in 1929 and from 1955 they started making and selling a series called "Old Crocks", consisting of antique cars. It came after an influx of interest in these types of cars created by the film Genevieve - filmed at Pinewood Studios in 1953.

The rather crude and fragile diecast cars can sometimes break up due to foreign objects in the diecast material (Zink pest)Older ones will have diecast wheels, newer ones will have brightly coloured plastic ones. The casts were painted in bright coloures with some paint detail applied by hand. The newest versions will not have steering wheels and the cast openings for the steering wheel are casted shut.

Subject ID: 2014


Charbens, named after founding brothers Charles and Benjamin Reid, started their company in 1929 and from 1955 they started making and selling a series called "Old Crocks", consisting of antique cars. It came after an influx of interest in these types of cars created by the film Genevieve - filmed at Pinewood Studios in 1953.

The rather crude and fragile diecast cars can sometimes break up due to foreign objects in the diecast material (Zink pest)Older ones will have diecast wheels, newer ones will have brightly coloured plastic ones. The casts were painted in bright coloures with some paint detail applied by hand. The newest versions will not have steering wheels and the cast openings for the steering wheel are casted shut.

Sold in card board boxes printed like suitcases, which were about the size of a Moko Lesney box.

Subject ID: 2014


Subject ID: 2014