Rosita Espinosa is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead and is portrayed by Christian Serratos in the television series of the same name. She accompanies Eugene Porter and Abraham Ford on a mission to Washington, D.C. In the comic book series, she joins Rick Grimes' group after they leave Hershel Greene's farm and go to D.C.. Eventually Eugene is revealed to have lied but they continue onto Washington anyway, since he was still convinced the city would offer greater chance of survival, and they eventually find the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Though she and Abraham continue their relationship she eventually breaks up with him when he cheats on her with Holly and moves in with Eugene, eventually starting a relationship with him, but forgives Abraham after he is killed by Dwight. Rosita also takes part in the war against the Saviors led by Negan it's conclusion of which sees the 4 communities uniting forces. Two years later Rosita and Eugene are married but their relationship is strained. Rosita is revealed to be pregnant, but Eugene is not the father. She is ultimately killed by Alpha, leader of the Whisperers, along with 11 other key members of all 4 communities.
Subject ID: 67743
MoreRosita Espinosa is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead and is portrayed by Christian Serratos in the television series of the same name. She accompanies Eugene Porter and Abraham Ford on a mission to Washington, D.C. In the comic book series, she joins Rick Grimes' group after they leave Hershel Greene's farm and go to D.C.. Eventually Eugene is revealed to have lied but they continue onto Washington anyway, since he was still convinced the city would offer greater chance of survival, and they eventually find the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Though she and Abraham continue their relationship she eventually breaks up with him when he cheats on her with Holly and moves in with Eugene, eventually starting a relationship with him, but forgives Abraham after he is killed by Dwight. Rosita also takes part in the war against the Saviors led by Negan it's conclusion of which sees the 4 communities uniting forces. Two years later Rosita and Eugene are married but their relationship is strained. Rosita is revealed to be pregnant, but Eugene is not the father. She is ultimately killed by Alpha, leader of the Whisperers, along with 11 other key members of all 4 communities.
Subject ID: 67743
Subject ID: 67743
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