Wesley Crusher

Star Trek | Character

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The gifted son of Starfleet officers Lieutenant Commander Jack Crusher and Doctor Beverly Crusher. After several years aboard the USS Enterprise-D and three years at Starfleet Academy, his Starfleet career was cut short when he dropped out of the Academy and continued on to a unique life, accompanying the transdimensional Tau Alphan The Traveler. Crusher eventually returned to Starfleet and, prior to 2379, he becamse a full-fledged officer, holding the reank of lieutenant junior grade in 2379. Played by Wil Wheaton.

Subject ID: 74371


The gifted son of Starfleet officers Lieutenant Commander Jack Crusher and Doctor Beverly Crusher. After several years aboard the USS Enterprise-D and three years at Starfleet Academy, his Starfleet career was cut short when he dropped out of the Academy and continued on to a unique life, accompanying the transdimensional Tau Alphan The Traveler. Crusher eventually returned to Starfleet and, prior to 2379, he becamse a full-fledged officer, holding the reank of lieutenant junior grade in 2379. Played by Wil Wheaton.

Subject ID: 74371


Subject ID: 74371