Abby Cadabby is a fairy-in-training who lives on Sesame Street. She made her debut in 2006, in the first episode of Sesame Street’s 37th season, when she moved into the neighborhood and met some of the Street's residents. After counting to ten with the Count, Abby's magic wand sets off too much lightning and breaks, so Big Bird takes her to the Fix-It Shop so her wand can be repaired.
Her name is a play on the magic word "abracadabra." Abby's magical abilities include popping in and out of thin air, floating when she's happy, and turning things into pumpkins. Although familiar with the world of fairy tales
Subject ID: 188864
MoreAbby Cadabby is a fairy-in-training who lives on Sesame Street. She made her debut in 2006, in the first episode of Sesame Street’s 37th season, when she moved into the neighborhood and met some of the Street's residents. After counting to ten with the Count, Abby's magic wand sets off too much lightning and breaks, so Big Bird takes her to the Fix-It Shop so her wand can be repaired.
Her name is a play on the magic word "abracadabra." Abby's magical abilities include popping in and out of thin air, floating when she's happy, and turning things into pumpkins. Although familiar with the world of fairy tales
Subject ID: 188864
Subject ID: 188864