Subject ID: 62440
Collects Absolute Carnage (2019 Marvel) #1-5; Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool (2019 Marvel) #1-3; Absolute Carnage: Captain Marvel (2019 Marvel); Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk (2019 Marvel); Absolute Carnage: Symbiote of Vengeance (2019 Marvel); Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man (2019 Marvel); Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors (2019 Marvel) #1-3; Absolute Carnage: Avengers (2019 Marvel); Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales (2019 Marvel) #1-3; Absolute Carnage: Weapon Plus (2019 Marvel); Absolute Carnage: Scream (2019 Marvel) #1-3; Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety (2019 Marvel); The Amazing Spider-Man (2018 6th Series) #29-31; and Venom (2018 Marvel) #16-20. Paint the town red...blood red! Lethal killer Cletus Kasady casts his symbiotic tendrils across the Marvel Universe in the blockbuster epic ABSOLUTE CARNAGE! The psychopathic Carnage is targeting everyone who has ever worn a symbiote - and that's a lot of potential victims, even for him! Naturally, Kasady's new reign of terror spells misery for Spider-Man and Venom - but the devastation is felt by Miles Morales, the Avengers, Deadpool, Ghost Rider, the Immortal Hulk and more! But what is Kasady's horrific endgame? Experience a new level of crazy as Carnage runs wild! Includes the ABSOLUTE CARNAGE stinger pages.
Scott and Jean are enjoying the first day of their honeymoon when they are pulled two thousand years into the future by Mother Askani; They arrive in time to witness Apocalypse' soldier, Ch'Vayre, as he infiltrates the last bastion of the Clan Asakni in order to wipe them all from the face of the earth for good; They find themselves in human bodies but Rachel uses her powers to allow them modified access to their mutant powers.
For the past five years (albeit two thousand years in the future), Scott and Jean have been posing as the human couple Slym and Redd Dayspring as they strive to protect Scott's young son, Nathan Christopher, from Apocalypse while they train him to control the techno-organic virus that courses through his system; The couple arrive at Slym's hometown of Coast Crest but immediately receive unwanted attention from Apocalypse' guards who are stationed there; It is only the intervention of the severely disabled but powerful Prior Turrin that saves the trio from death; Scott and Jean join Turrin's human resistance movement.
Eight years have passed since Scott and Jean first arrived in the far future to be reunited with Scott's young son, Nathan Christopher; Jean continues to train Nate in the use of his powers; For the past few years, Scott and Jean have been members of Prior Turrin's human resistance movement and, during a raid of the labs of the Genetic Hierarchy, they discover a preliminary version of the Legacy Virus which is being developed to wipe all humans off of the earth; A trap is sprung and Ch'Vayre and his men attack and the humans find themselves fighting for their lives; An inner voice guides Nathan to a computer console which will allow him to destroy the complex but his work is interrupted by a mirror version of himself, the young Stryfe; Stryfe releases the techno-organic virus in Nate's system but Nate is able to strike back and knock his clone out.
More years pass as Scott and Jean raise Nathan Christopher in a future ruled by Apocalypse; When Nate reaches puberty, the techo-organic virus in his system runs out of control and threatens to kill him; Nathan is visited psychically by his "sister," Rachel Summers, who teaches him how to keep the virus in check; With Nate once again healthy, he joins Scott and Jean in an attack on Apocalypse who is trying to transfer his essence into the young body of Stryfe; With a little help from Apocalypse' most trusted soldier, Ch'Vayre, they do just that and Apocalypse is destroyed; With their purpose in the future completed, Scott and Jean start to fade back into their own past; As they go, Jean is visited by the image of Rachel who asks her to once again take up the name of Phoenix in remembrance of her.
Scott Summers and Gene Grey, the X-Men's Cyclops and Phoenix, are pulled into the future and into the life of Nathan Christopher Summers, the Askanison. Nathan just so happens to be Scott's time-lost son and the one prophecized to topple the tyrant Apocalypse
Heroes Return - The Morgan Conquest Part 1 of 3. "Once An Avenger..." Double-Sized issue. Following the events of the Heroes Reborn The Return (1997) limited series, Earth's Mightiest Heroes are alive and well in the Marvel Universe (aka Earth-616)! But at the moment, they are scattered across the globe and fighting strange monsters! Eventually, the Asgardian monsters disappear and every avenger makes his or her way to Avengers Mansion in New York! And once the heroes assemble, Thor tells a dire tale about the Norn Stones and the Twilight Sword! In response the Avengers split into teams and take off for different parts of the world. And just like that Earth's Mightiest Heroes' next great saga begins! Cameo appearances by Morgan Le Fay and Mordred the Evil. (Notes: The Avengers' chronology continues from Avengers (2nd series) #13. The special one-shot Avengers Rough Cut (1998) #1 provides information about the development of the story and art. This issue features a gatefold cover with a short paragraph about each avenger. This story was reprinted in 2000 in the trade paperback: Avengers The Morgan Conquest.
Heroes Return - The Morgan Conquest Part 1 of 3. "Once An Avenger..." Double-Sized issue. Following the events of the Heroes Reborn The Return (1997) limited series, Earth's Mightiest Heroes are alive and well in the Marvel Universe (aka Earth-616)! But at the moment, they are scattered across the globe and fighting strange monsters! Eventually, the Asgardian monsters disappear and every avenger makes his or her way to Avengers Mansion in New York! And once the heroes assemble, Thor tells a dire tale about the Norn Stones and the Twilight Sword! In response the Avengers split into teams and take off for different parts of the world. And just like that Earth's Mightiest Heroes' next great saga begins! Cameo appearances by Morgan Le Fay and Mordred the Evil. (Notes: The Avengers' chronology continues from Avengers (2nd series) #13. The special one-shot Avengers Rough Cut (1998) #1 provides information about the development of the story and art. This issue features a gatefold cover with a short paragraph about each avenger. This story was reprinted in 2000 in the trade paperback: Avengers The Morgan Conquest.
Heroes Return - The Morgan Conquest Part 1 of 3. "Once An Avenger..." Double-Sized issue. Following the events of the Heroes Reborn The Return (1997) limited series, Earth's Mightiest Heroes are alive and well in the Marvel Universe (aka Earth-616)! But at the moment, they are scattered across the globe and fighting strange monsters! Eventually, the Asgardian monsters disappear and every avenger makes his or her way to Avengers Mansion in New York! And once the heroes assemble, Thor tells a dire tale about the Norn Stones and the Twilight Sword! In response the Avengers split into teams and take off for different parts of the world. And just like that Earth's Mightiest Heroes' next great saga begins! Cameo appearances by Morgan Le Fay and Mordred the Evil. (Notes: The Avengers' chronology continues from Avengers (2nd series) #13. The special one-shot Avengers Rough Cut (1998) #1 provides information about the development of the story and art. This issue features a gatefold cover with a short paragraph about each avenger. This story was reprinted in 2000 in the trade paperback: Avengers The Morgan Conquest.
Heroes Return - Once an Avenger! [The Morgan Conquest]: Part 2 of 3 - "The Call!" Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Donar, Iron Knight, Gypsy Witch, Yeoman America, and the rest - awake in a world that seems so familiar, yet somehow feels wrong. One by one their memories begin to surface. But how can only a handful of Avengers hope to defeat the sorceress Morgan Le Fay when they'll have to first defeat an army of their own comrades?
Heroes Return - Once an Avenger! [The Morgan Conquest]: Part 2 of 3 - "The Call!" Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Donar, Iron Knight, Gypsy Witch, Yeoman America, and the rest - awake in a world that seems so familiar, yet somehow feels wrong. One by one their memories begin to surface. But how can only a handful of Avengers hope to defeat the sorceress Morgan Le Fay when they'll have to first defeat an army of their own comrades?
Heroes Return - The Morgan Conquest Part 3 of 3. "Once An Avenger... Fata Morgana" Wonder Man is back among the living! And just in time to help the Scarlet Witch, Captain America, and Thor lead the final charge against Morgan Le Fay! Nine avengers assault Morgan's castle to wrest the Twilight Sword from her clutches! And once the other avengers break free from the sorceress' mind control, the closing act in this medieval drama starts! Forty avengers vs. Morgan Le Fay! An awesome battle! A sensational issue! Cameo appearances by Mordred the Evil and Kro. (Notes: Wonder Man was presumed dead in Force Works (1994) #1. This issue features a gatefold cover. This three-part story was reprinted in 2004 in the hardcover: Avengers Assemble #1. The hardcover collects issues #1 thru #11.)
The Morgan Conquest Epilogue - "Too Many Avengers!" Earth's Mightiest Heroes return to New York following their triumphant battle against Morgan Le Fay. And the first thing on the Avengers' agenda is trimming the active roster down to a manageable size! The founding members agree upon a roster of seven! And it looks like an all-time great one: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, and Warbird (aka Carol Danvers)! Plus Justice and Firestar as reserve members! Cameo appearances by Jarvis, Duane Freeman, and Whirlwind. (Notes: This issue was published with a pullout poster (as an 8-page insert) by George Pérez . This issue features a gatefold cover. This story was reprinted in 2000 in the trade paperback: Avengers The Morgan Conquest.) Special comment: Easily one of my all-time favorite rosters ever assembled. - Odinson, Lonestar Comics Archivist.
"Accusation Most Foul" Part 1 of 2. Guest-starring the Squadron Supreme. The new Avengers lineup has its first mission! Rescue a commercial airliner that has crashed at sea with personnel from Project Pegasus onboard! Earth's Mightiest Heroes (minus the injured Vision) zoom to the North Atlantic and begin helping the survivors. But their rescue operation is interrupted by the Squadron Supreme! The squadron thinks the Avengers are imposters, and they want to bring them to justice! Wow, the Avengers haven't tangled with the Squadron Supreme since the classic Serpent Crown saga years ago! However a rematch is beckoning! Here we go! Cameo appearances by Jarvis, Duane Freeman, and Imus Champion. Squadron Supreme Lineup: Dr. Spectrum, Hyperion, Haywire, Moonglow, Power Princess, Shape, Skylark, and the Whizzer. (Notes: The Serpent Crown saga took place in Avengers (1st series) 141-144 and 147-149. This issue features a gatefold cover. This two-part story was reprinted in 2016 in the hardcover: Squadron Supreme Classic Omnibus.)
"Earth's MightScripiest Frauds?" Part 2 of 2. Guest-starring the Squadron Supreme. After an inconclusive battle last issue, the Avengers are determined to show the world they are not imposters! So the team flies to Project Pegasus to confront the Squadron Supreme! When Earth's Mightiest Heroes arrive on site, they receive a cold reception from the Blue Shield and the facility administrator! Is something corrupt (or is the Corruptor) at work inside Project Pegasus? Several minutes later the squadron returns to its temporary home! And once Wanda summons Wonder Man, round two between the Avengers and the Squadron Supreme commences! And this time there will be a winner! Cameo appearances by Jarvis, Imus Champion, and the Vision. Avengers Lineup: Captain America, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Warbird, and Wonder Man. (Notes: The Avengers meet the Squadron Supreme again in Avengers (3rd series) Annual 1998. Also this month the Avengers battle the Destroyer in Thor (2nd series) #1 & #2. The Live Kree or Die storyline begins next month in Iron Man (3rd series) #7 with a key appearance by Carol Danvers. This issue features a gatefold cover which serves as an homage to George Perez's classic cover to Avengers 141.)
Live Kree or Die Part 4 of 4. "The Court Martial of Carol Danvers" Story continues from Quicksilver (1997) #10. These are difficult times for Carol Danvers after suffering a loss of power (from her days as Binary) and then turning to alcohol for comfort. And following Warbird's major mistake (in part 3), the Avengers have no choice but to convene a court martial. Fortunately, the painful proceedings are interrupted when an emergency call comes into the mansion! The Lunatic Legion is still threatening the Earth from their lunar base! So the Avengers (plus Firestar and Justice) rocket to the moon to make sure the citizens of Earth live free... instead of live Kree! An exceptional issue! Cameo appearance by the Supreme Intelligence. Avengers Lineup: Captain America, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Vision, Wonder Man, and Warbird. (Notes: Warbird appears next in Iron Man (3rd series) #11. This issue features a gatefold cover. This story was reprinted in 2020 in the trade paperback: Avengers Live Kree or Die.)
First appearances of Triathlon and Silverclaw in "Turbulence!" Part 1 of 2. Edwin Jarvis, the Avengers' long-time butler, anxiously waits at the international terminal of Kennedy airport. For several years he has sponsored a child from the Central American country of Costa Verde. And at last she is visiting the United States! However the happy meeting is delayed after Moses Magnum's shock troops attack the terminal! Earth's Mightiest Heroes quickly respond, but find themselves under duress from Silverclaw and Magnum's high-tech weaponry! Fortuitously, a new superhero suddenly arrives on the tarmac: Triathlon! Can he turn the battle in the Avengers' favor? Cameo appearances by Jake Olson and Wonder Man. Avengers Lineup: Captain America, Firestar, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Justice, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: This issue features a gatefold cover. This two-part story was reprinted in 2001 in the trade paperback: Avengers Clear and Present Dangers. The TPB collects issues #8 thru #15.)
"The Villain Who Fell from Grace with the Earth" Part 2 of 2. In the Caribbean Sea, the Mighty Avengers infiltrate Moses Magnum's floating entertainment resort! The heroes know that Magnum is onboard somewhere with the seismic cannon (that his troops stole from the airport last issue). But what the Avengers don't know is that Moses Mangum's powers have been augmented by Apocalypse! And those powers are currently out of control! When Hawkeye and Triathlon reach the central lab, the seismic struggle erupts! Moses Magnum vs. Earth's Mightiest Heroes plus Silverclaw and Triathlon! Will the Eastern Seaboard survive? Cameo appearance by Jarvis. Avengers Lineup: Captain America, Firestar, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Justice, Scarlet Witch, Vision, and Wonder Man. (Notes: After the battle Hawkeye leaves the team to find the Thunderbolts. See Thunderbolts (1997) #20 and #21. This issue features a gatefold cover.)
"Pomp & Pageantry" Part 1 of 2. The Scarlet Witch is troubled by her surprising ability to conjure Wonder Man in times of crisis. So Wanda travels to Whisper Hill to consult with her friend and mentor Agatha Harkness! Meanwhile in New York, the city throws a parade for the Avengers! What a wonderful day for Earth's Mightiest Heroes! But during the dedication ceremony in Central Park, the Grim Reaper appears! What? How? And the reaper is not alone! He's brought seven dead avengers with him! Captain Marvel, Doctor Druid, Hellcat, Mockingbird, Swordsman, Thunderstrike, and Wonder Man! Unbelievable! This day of celebration has turned into a day of horror! Retelling of the Scarlet Witch's origin. Cameo appearances by the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Bruce Banner, Imus Champion, Ultron, and the X-Men. (Notes: This issue features a gatefold cover.
"...Always An Avenger!" Part 2 of 2. The world has gone mad! As seven dead avengers ambush the Scarlet Witch when she returns to Avengers Mansion! While in Central Park, the Grim Reaper holds seven living avengers captive! The situation looks frightful for Earth's Mightiest Heroes unless Wanda somehow reaches Wonder Man... and permanently pulls him to the side of the living! Can the Scarlet Witch outmaneuver the Grim Reaper? And put the dead back to rest? Cameo appearances by the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Jarvis, and Agatha Harkness. Avengers Lineup: Captain America, Firestar, Giant-Man, Iron Man, Justice, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Vision, Wonder Man, and the Wasp. (Notes: A subplot from the story involving Mockingbird continues in Thunderbolts Annual 2000. This issue features a gatefold cover. This two-part story was reprinted in 2001 in the trade paperback: Avengers Clear and Present Dangers.)
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