Anita Katerine Blake is the main heroine and the narrator of the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series of novels, short stories, and comics by Laurell K. Hamilton. The only part of the series she hasn't appeared in this far is the short story Selling Houses.
Anita is a young woman who lives in St. Louis. Her night job, and primary source of income, is the legal profession of re-animating the dead. As an animator, her job entails using magical abilities to bring temporary life to dead bodies as zombies in order to e.g. question them for legal purposes. She isn't just a run-of-the-mill animator, though, as she is powerful enough to become a necromancer. This allows her deeper and wider control over the dead, including to some extent even vampires and zombies raised by other people.
Subject ID: 178159
MoreAnita Katerine Blake is the main heroine and the narrator of the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series of novels, short stories, and comics by Laurell K. Hamilton. The only part of the series she hasn't appeared in this far is the short story Selling Houses.
Anita is a young woman who lives in St. Louis. Her night job, and primary source of income, is the legal profession of re-animating the dead. As an animator, her job entails using magical abilities to bring temporary life to dead bodies as zombies in order to e.g. question them for legal purposes. She isn't just a run-of-the-mill animator, though, as she is powerful enough to become a necromancer. This allows her deeper and wider control over the dead, including to some extent even vampires and zombies raised by other people.
Unlike most animators, Anita is also held in retainer as a preternatural consultant for the Regional Preternatural Investigation Taskforce, which handles crimes involving magic, vampires, lycanthropes, and other preternatural creatures. She is also a licensed vampire hunter/executioner in her own right, which sometimes gives her a wider range of possibilities than the police have at their disposal. Later, Anita gets empowered as a Federal Marshal, which broadens the range of her responsibilities but also makes her job easier in many ways.
Killing a vampire is murder, other than when there are legal exceptions. As a jail couldn't hold a vampire, breaking the law means a warrant of execution for that vampire and any accomplices, human and vampire alike. The warrant doesn't necessarily specify which vampire is the culprit, making the vampire hunter the sole judge, jury, and executioner for those involved. For some people the vampire hunter license largely means morgue stakings after the rogue vampire has already been caught and restrained, but others such as Anita do their own tracking down and killing in the field. This earned her early on a nickname among the vampires: The Executioner.
A strong protagonist in the series, Anita is very direct and can come across as rude, and is considered highly competent in the professions she is involved in. She is trained in judo and kenpo, and knows how to use several weapons, including blades, but is most proficient with guns. As the series begins, the Browning Hi-Power is her carry gun of choice, though later in the series she switches to the Browning BDM.
Subject ID: 178159
Subject ID: 178159
Anita escapes the powerful vampire Aubrey, but finds herself in a world of hurt. Unbeknownst to Anita, Jean-Claude transfers some of his stamina to her to help her heal more quickly, effectively making her immune to his powers. He and Aubrey take Anita to see the city's master vampire, Nikolaos, but as Anita waits to see the master, she finds herself attacked by another creature of the night - a were-rat that hungers for human blood.
In a world where vampires and were-creatures are legal citizens of the United States, Anita Blake is an animator, raising the dead for a living. But she's also known as the 'Executioner,' a deadly hunter who slays vampires who have gone beyond their legal rights and become monsters in the eyes of society. For this reason, she avoids vampires whenever possible. But an impromptu bacherlorette party for a close friend brings her down into St. Louis's vampire district. and into a vampire strip club known as 'Guilty Pleasures.' But Anita senses that the place is more dangerous for her than it should be, and a surprise attack confirms her darkest suspicions! Adapted from the bestselling romantic horror novel by Laurell K. Hamilton, ANITA BLAKE: VAMPIRE HUNTER in GUILTY PLEASURES is an 'Grown Up Buffy' adventure that is sure to seduce readers into picking up every issue!
In a world where vampires and were-creatures are legal citizens of the United States, Anita Blake is an animator, raising the dead for a living. But she's also known as the 'Executioner,' a deadly hunter who slays vampires who have gone beyond their legal rights and become monsters in the eyes of society. For this reason, she avoids vampires whenever possible. But an impromptu bacherlorette party for a close friend brings her down into St. Louis's vampire district. and into a vampire strip club known as 'Guilty Pleasures.' But Anita senses that the place is more dangerous for her than it should be, and a surprise attack confirms her darkest suspicions! Adapted from the bestselling romantic horror novel by Laurell K. Hamilton, ANITA BLAKE: VAMPIRE HUNTER in GUILTY PLEASURES is an 'Grown Up Buffy' adventure that is sure to seduce readers into picking up every issue!
Anita Blake has faced great horrors in her career as a vampire hunter and an animator of the undead, but being left in a dungeon with an army of were-rats is hardly her idea of a good time. Fortunately, she is able to escape when her vampire hosts intercede, but her good luck seems short-lived when she is brought before Nikolaos, the master vampire of St. Louis. What Nikolaos wants is unclear, but one thing is certain - even an experienced vampire hunter like Anita cannot stand against a being as powerful as this! Can she survive the night?
Anita Blake has become deeply involved in a murder mystery that threatens to shake the foundations of the vampire underworld of St. Louis, and she's not about to let the roadblocks she's encountered thus far stop her from solving the case. But she won't be able to do it alone - she's going to need the help of Phillip, a vampire junkie who can help her gain access to people and places she'd never be able to enter on her own. including a special vampire party where hunters like herself are definitely not welcome. Masterfully adapted from the novel by New York Times Best-selling Author Laurell K. Hamilton, ANITA BLAKE, VAMPIRE HUNTER offers a thrilling ride through a world where vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night are legal citizens of the United States and where hunters like Anita Blake are called in whenever things get out of hand. Discover why this title is already being called the 'surprise hit of 2006' by readers and critics alike!
Anita Blake has a major dilemma - she's known professionally as a vampire hunter, but she has been recruited to help track down a serial killer who has been preying upon the vampire population of St. Louis. To break the case, she'll need the help of Phillip, a junkie who is addicted to being preyed upon by vampires, and she'll have to attend a freak party, where vampires and humans come together for a strange evening of pleasure and pain... Adapted from the novel by New York Times Best-Selling author Laurell K. Hamilton, ANITA BLAKE: VAMPIRE HUNTER in GUILTY PLEASURES takes readers on a dark adventure through the underworld of an alternate reality where vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures are legal citizens of the United States. Find out why this series has been called 'the surprise hit of 2006!' by fans and critics alike!
Guilty Pleasures is back! After a short hiatus, the hit adaptation of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series continues! What price will Anita pay in order to save her friend's life and solve the Vampire Murders? Will she actually kiss Phillip? How far will Edward go in order to find out where the daytime resting place of the Master Vampires truly is? Where is Jean-Claude? And most importantly, who is behind the Vampire Murders? What's next for Anita Blake, you ask? The answers to all of those questions begin here!
Anita and Phillip recover from the Freak Party only to come face-to-face with Master Vampire Nikolaos. What will she think of the Executioner's newest findings in the Vampire Murders? Will the information Anita has save her life or endanger it? Meanwhile, the vampire murderer strikes again! Who is the latest victim of this mysterious killer?
Anita and Phillip recover from the Freak Party only to come face-to-face with Master Vampire Nikolaos. What will she think of the Executioner's newest findings in the Vampire Murders? Will the information Anita has save her life or endanger it? Meanwhile, the vampire murderer strikes again! Who is the latest victim of this mysterious killer?
The Church of Eternal Life is a place where vampires seek to convert willing humans to their alternative lifestyle. It promises immortality for its congregation and it is one of the few places that can actually deliver it. Sounds cozy, doesn't it? Not to Anita Blake, the Executioner. What do you bet she's not stopping by on a social call...?
Things keep getting worse for Laurell K. Hamilton's deadly vampire hunter as one of her allies in the hunt for the vampire killer is murdered! But vampire bites, ominous dreams, and persistent sociopaths won't slow Anita down as she takes matters into her own hands and learns the truth about the mystery that's been plaguing her: the identity of the perpetrator of the brutal and unlicensed slayings of 'innocent' vampire citizens! Of course, having that knowledge doesn't mean she'll live long enough to share it! The adaptation of the best-selling novel continues here!
Things really heat up this month for Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake as she deals with last issue's revelation. Now that she knows who's behind the recent spate of illegal vampire slayings, she just has to keep from getting torn apart by an army of ghouls! Caught between the deadly vampires she's paid to kill, the vicious murderer whose been brutalizing them, and a psychopathic vigilante, you'll never believe where things will lead in this pulse-pounding issue adapting the best-selling novel 'Guilty Pleasures.'
This is it! The comic series adapting Laurell K. Hamilton's bestselling novel Guilty Pleasures comes to its pulse pounding conclusion! The first startling book of the Anita Blake series ends here! Who has been slaughtering the vampires? Can Anita stop them? Who will live? Who will die? Who will remain undead? It all comes to a head here, as the titular vampire hunter and her dangerous ally Edward face off against the forces of evil. Don't miss it!
Collects Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (2006) #1-6. Written by Laurell. K. Hamilton. Adapted by Stacie Ritchie and Jess Ruffner-Booth. Art by Brett Booth. New York Times bestselling author Laurell. K. Hamilton offers readers a brand-new experience in the world of Anita Blake! Fusing mythology, werewolves and vampires with a story loaded with mystery, action and romance, the Anita Blake novels take place in a world where vampires, werewolves and other creatures of nightmare have been declared legal citizens of the United States. Anita Blake is an "animator" - a profession that involves raising the dead for a living. She is also known as a fearsome hunter of criminal vampires, and she moonlights by investigating cases that are far too much for "conventional" police. But as Anita gains the attention of the vampire masters in her hometown of St. Louis, she also risks revealing an intriguing secret about herself - the source of her unusual strength and power. As a special treat, Anita Blake fans will also discover an original side story featuring Anita and Dolph, by Laurell. K. Hamilton.
Collects Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (2006) #7-12. The hit adaptation of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series continues! What price will Anita pay in order to save her friend's life and solve the Vampire Murders? Will she actually kiss Phillip? How far will Edward go in order to find out where the daytime resting place of the Master Vampires truly is? Where is Jean-Claude? And most important, who is behind the Vampire Murders? What's next for Anita Blake, you ask? The answers to all of those questions are here!
Collects Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (2006) #1-6. New York Times Best-Selling author LAURELL K. HAMILTON offers readers a brand-new experience in the world of ANITA BLAKE in a beautiful hardcover edition! Fusing mythology, werewolves, and vampires with a story loaded with mystery, action and romance, the ANITA BLAKE novels take place in a world where vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of nightmare have been declared legal citizens of the United States. ANITA BLAKE is an 'animator' - a profession that involves raising the dead for a living. ANITA BLAKE is also known as a fearsome hunter of criminal vampires, and she moonlights by investigating cases that are far too much for 'conventional' police. But as Anita gains the attention of the vampire masters in her hometown of St. Louis, she also risks revealing an intriguing secret about herself - the source of her unusual strength and power. As a special treat, Anita Blake fans will also discover an original side story featuring Anita and Dolph, written specially for the hardcover edition by LAURELL K. HAMILTON
Collects Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (2006) #1-6. New York Times Best-Selling author LAURELL K. HAMILTON offers readers a brand-new experience in the world of ANITA BLAKE in a beautiful hardcover edition! Fusing mythology, werewolves, and vampires with a story loaded with mystery, action and romance, the ANITA BLAKE novels take place in a world where vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of nightmare have been declared legal citizens of the United States. ANITA BLAKE is an 'animator' - a profession that involves raising the dead for a living. ANITA BLAKE is also known as a fearsome hunter of criminal vampires, and she moonlights by investigating cases that are far too much for 'conventional' police. But as Anita gains the attention of the vampire masters in her hometown of St. Louis, she also risks revealing an intriguing secret about herself - the source of her unusual strength and power. As a special treat, Anita Blake fans will also discover an original side story featuring Anita and Dolph, written specially for the hardcover edition by LAURELL K. HAMILTON
Collects Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (2006) #1-6. New York Times Best-Selling author LAURELL K. HAMILTON offers readers a brand-new experience in the world of ANITA BLAKE in a beautiful hardcover edition! Fusing mythology, werewolves, and vampires with a story loaded with mystery, action and romance, the ANITA BLAKE novels take place in a world where vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of nightmare have been declared legal citizens of the United States. ANITA BLAKE is an 'animator' - a profession that involves raising the dead for a living. ANITA BLAKE is also known as a fearsome hunter of criminal vampires, and she moonlights by investigating cases that are far too much for 'conventional' police. But as Anita gains the attention of the vampire masters in her hometown of St. Louis, she also risks revealing an intriguing secret about herself - the source of her unusual strength and power. As a special treat, Anita Blake fans will also discover an original side story featuring Anita and Dolph, written specially for the hardcover edition by LAURELL K. HAMILTON
Collects Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (2006) #1-6. New York Times Best-Selling author LAURELL K. HAMILTON offers readers a brand-new experience in the world of ANITA BLAKE in a beautiful hardcover edition! Fusing mythology, werewolves, and vampires with a story loaded with mystery, action and romance, the ANITA BLAKE novels take place in a world where vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of nightmare have been declared legal citizens of the United States. ANITA BLAKE is an 'animator' - a profession that involves raising the dead for a living. ANITA BLAKE is also known as a fearsome hunter of criminal vampires, and she moonlights by investigating cases that are far too much for 'conventional' police. But as Anita gains the attention of the vampire masters in her hometown of St. Louis, she also risks revealing an intriguing secret about herself - the source of her unusual strength and power. As a special treat, Anita Blake fans will also discover an original side story featuring Anita and Dolph, written specially for the hardcover edition by LAURELL K. HAMILTON
Collects Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (2006) #7-12. The hit adaptation of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series continues! What price will Anita pay in order to save her friend's life and solve the Vampire Murders? Will she actually kiss Phillip? How far will Edward go in order to find out where the daytime resting place of the Master Vampires truly is? Where is Jean-Claude? And most important, who is behind the Vampire Murders? What's next for Anita Blake, you ask? The answers to all of those questions are here!
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