The Batwing is a fictional aerial transport vehicle used by DC superhero Batman. First introduced in Tim Burton's Batman movie from 1989, it has since appeared in many DC Comic storylines. It is shaped like a stylized bat with very long wings and can travel at super fast speeds and also has the ability to hover. The on-board computer can pilot the Batwing and land the vehicle remotely.
Subject ID: 142658
MoreThe Batwing is a fictional aerial transport vehicle used by DC superhero Batman. First introduced in Tim Burton's Batman movie from 1989, it has since appeared in many DC Comic storylines. It is shaped like a stylized bat with very long wings and can travel at super fast speeds and also has the ability to hover. The on-board computer can pilot the Batwing and land the vehicle remotely.
Subject ID: 142658
Subject ID: 142658