Dorohedoro (Japanese: ドロヘドロ) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Q Hayashida. It tells the story of the amnesiac reptilian-headed Caiman, working together with his friend Nikaido to recover his memories and survive in a strange and violent world. The manga was first serialized in Shogakukan's seinen magazine Monthly Ikki from November 2000 until September 2014, when the magazine ceased publication. It was then serialized in Hibana from March 2015 to August 2017, when Hibana ceased publication as well. Dorohedoro was then transferred to Monthly Shōnen Sunday in November 2017 and finished in September 2018. Shogakukan collected its chapters in 23 tankōbon volumes.
In North America, the series has been licensed for English-language release by Viz Media in 2009, which began distributing the manga digitally when it launched SigIKKI, the now defunct online English version of Ikki magazine. The 23 volumes were published from March 2010 to September 2019.
Subject ID: 122020
MoreDorohedoro (Japanese: ドロヘドロ) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Q Hayashida. It tells the story of the amnesiac reptilian-headed Caiman, working together with his friend Nikaido to recover his memories and survive in a strange and violent world. The manga was first serialized in Shogakukan's seinen magazine Monthly Ikki from November 2000 until September 2014, when the magazine ceased publication. It was then serialized in Hibana from March 2015 to August 2017, when Hibana ceased publication as well. Dorohedoro was then transferred to Monthly Shōnen Sunday in November 2017 and finished in September 2018. Shogakukan collected its chapters in 23 tankōbon volumes.
In North America, the series has been licensed for English-language release by Viz Media in 2009, which began distributing the manga digitally when it launched SigIKKI, the now defunct online English version of Ikki magazine. The 23 volumes were published from March 2010 to September 2019.
A 12-episode anime television series adaptation produced by MAPPA was broadcast in Japan on Tokyo MX from January to March 2020. It was followed by a worldwide streaming release on Netflix in May 2020.
Subject ID: 122020
Subject ID: 122020