Dumb Donald


Something Missing?

Dumb Donald is a member of the Junkyard Gang. In the Junkyard Band, he plays the trombone (made from a long, bent pipe and a Victrola horn machine).

Dumb Donald, as his name would suggest, is very simple-minded and loud, but means well and tries his best to help the gang and be nice. Contrary to his name, he often has outbursts of intelligence.

Subject ID: 85067


Dumb Donald is a member of the Junkyard Gang. In the Junkyard Band, he plays the trombone (made from a long, bent pipe and a Victrola horn machine).

Dumb Donald, as his name would suggest, is very simple-minded and loud, but means well and tries his best to help the gang and be nice. Contrary to his name, he often has outbursts of intelligence.

He wears a pink knit-cap which covers his face (aside from his eyes and mouth), a green long-sleeved jersey with 2 blue stripes on each sleeve (which is three sizes too big), blue pants, green socks and blue sneakers. 

Subject ID: 85067


Subject ID: 85067