PJ Masks (also known as PJ Masks: Power Heroes during the 6th season) is a CGI animated series that made its official broadcast debut on Disney Channel and Disney Junior in the U.S. on Friday, September 18, 2015. It is produced by Entertainment One and Frog Box, in collaboration with the award-winning French animation studio TeamTO, and with Disney Junior and France 5.
The series is based on French author Romuald Racioppo's picture book series Les Pyjamasques. The books debuted in France in 2008, and 15 titles have been published in the country to date with plans to release two new titles every year. Entertainment One handles global distribution and licensing; a full-scale global consumer products program will be led by eOne Licensing.
Subject ID: 168455
MorePJ Masks (also known as PJ Masks: Power Heroes during the 6th season) is a CGI animated series that made its official broadcast debut on Disney Channel and Disney Junior in the U.S. on Friday, September 18, 2015. It is produced by Entertainment One and Frog Box, in collaboration with the award-winning French animation studio TeamTO, and with Disney Junior and France 5.
The series is based on French author Romuald Racioppo's picture book series Les Pyjamasques. The books debuted in France in 2008, and 15 titles have been published in the country to date with plans to release two new titles every year. Entertainment One handles global distribution and licensing; a full-scale global consumer products program will be led by eOne Licensing.
Subject ID: 168455
Subject ID: 168455