Thea Dearden Queen, also known as Speedy, is a fictional character portrayed by Willa Holland on The CW television series Arrow, created by Greg Berlanti, Mark Guggenhiem, and Andrew Kriesberg. She is the maternal half-sister of series protagonist Oliver Queen/Green Arrow. Although an original creation to the series, she adopts elements from the DC Comics superhero Mia Dearden/Speedy, created by writer Kevin Smith and artist Phil Hester. She is portrayed by Willa Holland.
Subject ID: 161078
MoreThea Dearden Queen, also known as Speedy, is a fictional character portrayed by Willa Holland on The CW television series Arrow, created by Greg Berlanti, Mark Guggenhiem, and Andrew Kriesberg. She is the maternal half-sister of series protagonist Oliver Queen/Green Arrow. Although an original creation to the series, she adopts elements from the DC Comics superhero Mia Dearden/Speedy, created by writer Kevin Smith and artist Phil Hester. She is portrayed by Willa Holland.
Subject ID: 161078
Subject ID: 161078